Manual Update
1. Uploading the Archive to the Server
- Connect to your server using Termius.
- Open the SFTP client in Termius (select the server and click on the file manager icon).
- Locate the file on your computer.
- Drag and drop the archive to a temporary folder on your server (e.g.,
), not into the directory where FusionDrainer is installed.
2. Extracting the Archive
Navigate to the folder where you uploaded the archive (e.g.,
):bashcd /root/temp
Extract the archive:
This will create a fusion-drainer-main directory in the folder.
3. Replacing FusionDrainer Files
Move the files from the extracted folder to the directory where FusionDrainer is installed, replacing the existing files:
bashcp -r fusion-drainer-main/* /root/fusion-drainer/
This command will overwrite the existing files in the server's working directory with the updated ones.
4. Rebuilding the Server
Navigate to the FusionDrainer installation directory:
bashcd /root/fusion-drainer
Start the project rebuild:
From the menu that appears, select 6. Rebuild project to automatically rebuild and restart all containers.
Now, your FusionDrainer server is successfully updated and ready to operate with the latest changes.