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Wallets for Withdrawals

This section allows you to set up wallets for specific domains to manage the withdrawal of funds. Each domain can have its own wallet for withdrawals, enabling you to override the main withdrawal address based on the website domain.

Key Features:

  • Add Primary Address: Specify a wallet address for withdrawing funds for a specific domain.
  • Add Secondary Address: Available only with the FusionRouterX module. This allows you to add a second address and distribute profits between multiple wallets based on predefined percentages.
  • Delete Wallet: Remove the current wallet linked to the domain.

Setting Up a Secondary Address (with FusionRouterX):

  • Secondary Address: Add a second wallet to split the profits.
  • Percentage Allocation: Set the percentage for distributing funds between the two wallets. For example, 70% to the secondary address and 30% to the primary address.

Overriding withdrawal addresses enables flexible fund management across different websites (domains).